Ben Brode告诉各位,《炉石传说》并不会加入非魔兽系的人物角色。看到“魔兽英雄传”消失就认为炉石会变成暴雪大乱斗,那是想多了。
四月,《炉石传说》上线了最新扩展包“勇闯安戈洛”,许多炉石玩家表示这个版本“游戏又变得好玩了”。触乐最近获得了机会,对《炉石传说》的首席设计师Ben Brode展开了一次线上采访,提了一些针对炉石现状的问题。
以下是Ben Brode已回答内容中的中英文对照:
Ben Brode: We also love the PVE content in Hearthstone! That’s why we are going to have missions included with future expansions, to give players more of that story-telling mission experience from adventures. We can’t wait to share more.
Ben Brode: We don’t often make cards that make your opponent feel really awful [like discard effects], but this skirts the edge. We think it’s doing it’s job well, and helps give us an answer to certain decks that are otherwise hard to counter.
触乐网: 炉石制作组有其他喜欢的卡牌游戏么?
Ben Brode: Yes! I’ve played probably more than 100 different card games and more than 30 collectible card games in my life. Our passion for the genre is what made us so excited to work on Hearthstone.
Ben Brode: Our plan is to step in and nerf cards if they are causing a problem in Wild, but decks are and will continue to be much more powerful in that mode, because there are so many cards to synergize with. It’ll be an ongoing process to figure out where the right line is for Wild.
Ben Brode: There are no plans to add characters from other games to Hearthstone. There is so much already with the Warcraft universe that we can pull from and we are excited for what we can do in the future. Plus Rexxar, Uther, Gul’dan, Valeera, Jaina, Thrall, and Malfurion are all in Heroes of the Storm already!